Strategic Yield Hub
for the Modular Era
Aggregating the Best-in-Class Yield Strategies for the efficient operation of on-chain assets across blockchains.
Launch App (Testnet) Education
4.45% Fixed yield

Backed by Global Web3 Investors ...

gumi Cryptos
MZ Web3 Fund
Arriba Studio
gumi Cryptos
MZ Web3 Fund
Arriba Studio
Supercharge the Yield Experience
Gluon offers two yield experiences, providing unique functionality for both beginner and advanced users.
Fixed Yield
For Everyone
Find your stability among volatile yields. No lock-up periods.
Launch Gluon Earn
Your Yield
Long yield or hedge your yield exposure. the choice is yours.
Launch Gluon Trade
Yield Tokenization
Split any yield-bearing asset into
separate yield and principal
components for maximum control
Gluon AMM
Designed for yield trading with concentrated liquidity, dual fee-structure, and negligible IL concerns
Multichain Support
With the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) technology, we can accept tokens on any chains.
Introducing the Gluon Ecosystem...
Very proud to introduce the various Partners , Integrations ,
Validators that make Gluon possible:
NTT Docomo Babylon Sei TFM
Axelar Comdex AssetMantle CosmWasm
Mercury OmniFlix Valador Microsoft
Zumak NTT Digital StakingCabin DAIC
GMO Coin Interchain Builders Program Forbole HashQuark
DoraHacks 01node Nodejumper Stir
NodeStake KysenPool Nodeist